August 2013 Moms

Newb (hi!)

Hi, my name is Emily.  

I was posting on 1st Tri with an update today that I found out I am having twins!

I had an u/s around 6w for the HB and we only saw one baby. So today was a shocker!

Both babies look great! Healthy. Baby B is measuring 1-2 days smaller but my OB is not worried so I will try not to worry as well.

Some ladies on 1st Tri said I should come here because I guess there are a few Aug mommies with twins. YAY! how exciting!

Congrats everyone Smile  

Married 2008 TCC since 2010 BFP #1 8/15/11 M/C @ 9w3d BFP #2 12/2/12 Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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