
need advise on the best start...

i am reading all posts and so on in order to better prepare myself for babies arrival in 2 weeks time...

 I had a disappointing time with my first child and would like this time to be better.

what i can surmise so far is to breastfeed immediately obviously and if baby battles to latch then pump and give through a bottle?

 but then i read that pumping should only start at around 3 weeks?

 if you milk only comes in 3 days after birth what does baby eat in that time period...  because with my first experience which was a failure they actually gave my baby formula in the hospital like in between as a starter off because we where struggling to get the latch and so on...

we got home from the hospital and didn't even have formula in the house because we where going to breastfeed... anyhoo needless to say the first night at home and baby was crying and crying i was crying he didn't latch no in afterthought i think that was because of being engorged... my husband then rushed out to get formula at 1am in the morning and we gave him a bottle and he was fine... i think this terrible start was the cause for failure because after that i had emotionally given up and got so disappointed... i tried but my heart wasn't really behind it after that and i really want to do better this time.

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