
Follow Up/Stupid ?

I have a follow up to the High Lipase ? posted yesterday.  I did some research on this, as it was the first I had heard of it.  I read that your milk can taste metallic, sour/rotten or soapy.  Well, I work, so I went to the fridge to check the milk I had pumped earlier in the day and tasted it.  I have never really tasted a bunch before, and did yesterday.  It tastes soapy.  Now, I have smelled my pump stuff and the bottles before I pump and they smell soapy too, even if I just rinse in water and put in dishwasher.  At work, I usually use a bit of soap and rinse them about 7 or 8 times with clean water.  Still, very soapy smelling.  So, my stupid ? of the day:  is this my bottle/pump stuff causing this, or might I have a little elevated lipase?  If it is just my stuff, how do you clean your stuff without getting the soapy smell?  Granted, I used to use a ton of soap, but stopped doing that.  I rinse forever.  Still, soapy.  And, like I said, even just throwing in the dishwasher makes them smell soapy.  Do I need to buy all new stuff?  Use handsoap (will that rinse better?).  I haven't defrosted any milk from the freezer yet to check that, because I am pretty sure this is a human error, not lipase, but I will this weekend, just to make sure.

 Thanks for answering my ridiculous question!

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