
STM going to try again - question

I will be a STM in April and would love to breastfeed not only for the benefits of the breastmilk but because of the cost of formula.  With LO 1 I breastfeed for about two months with very little success pumping.  I had a Medela pump in style (I think) and would get maybe two oz an hour.  I started suplementing formula and then went back to work full time and had to go to formula the entire time. 

So, I am looking at pumps again because I got rid of my first one to pay for formula.  I considered renting and have inquired at the hospital I work at.  Its roughly 60$ month which to me is not worth it, I would rather purchase.  I am going to call insurance in the next week to see what they cover on a rental (cross my fingers) but I saw the Swing Pump Medela in our hospital baby store.   I have read the reviews and am wondering if anyone had any thoughts about this pump.  It's half the price of the others, smaller and more convenient for my work schedule.  I work 3 days a week, 8 hour shifts. 



2nd EDD 02/01/13 - MC 5 1/2 weeks 6/5/12. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
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