

I just wanted to see if I could get some advice. I had started breast feeding(pumping) when LO was born (couldn't BF due to her having breathing problems). We got home and I just continued to pump and not try to latch because I was scared she wouldn't. I had tried a few times to have her latch at a couple weeks old and she wouldn't do it. I tried a nipple sheild and she wouldn't really stay latched. I stopped BFing because I got SO stressed and got a low supply and was just not making enough for LO. So I started to use formula.. Well that got all too easy to do and just eventually stopped pumping. So I dried up a litle. Decided now at 3 months(stopped at 1.5 months) to get my supply back because I was always so sad and upset that I wasn't breast feeding her anymore. So I am lost at how often I should get her to latch and when. Should I do it every feeding after she has had her bottle? I really want her to latch on, I'm scared she won't but I long for her to get my breast milk and her latching will help the supply come back in. The reason I want to is because I not only one, want that connection with her, but two because I feel like she was much more healthier on the breast milk compared to the formula.

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