
Sick and BF

I came down with a wicked cold last week, most likely from LO. We have been sick at our house since he started DC. The sinus pressure is absolutely killing me at night. Last night I was crying in the hot shower, letting it beat on my face was the only thing that gave me any relief. I hate to go to the Dr. because it started as a cold, so even if it is a sinus infection it should clear up on its own right? And I really want to avoid antibiotics if I can.

My question is, what can I take. I looked online and read about decongestants, what is your experience?

Right before the cold I had the flu and my milk supply tanked. Ive been building it back up with power pumping and fenugreek and its doing better. So, i'm real leary to take anything that could harm the supply. 

Steroid spray? Is that over the counter and will it help with congestion?



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