Pregnant after IF

Braving an intro!!!

Hi all!

I've spent most of my time recently on the IF board, some time on TTC and a lot of time on TTGP (under a different sn - dawn2zzs)... and now I get to hang out here hopefully for quite a long time!!  We got the good news last Thursday that our beta was positive - at 107.  My RE's office is a bit weird and doesn't do the 2nd beta until 8 days later so I have to wait until Friday for the next one but the HPTs have been pretty dark so I figure I might as well intro here :)

I am 41 and DH is 37.  We're pretty much stuck in unexplained infertility with a dash of DOR and a heaping helping of AMA... we had 3 failed IUIs and a failed IVF in September before finally getting a positive for IVF #2!!  What we did different for IVF #2 is that I had an endometrial biopsy in the cycle prior to the IVF cycle and we put in 5 embryos!! Yes, you read that right - 5!!  That is the maximum recommended for my age and since we already had one failed IVF (with 3 grade A embryos), my RE wanted to be aggressive on this one.  So now the wait to see if we have more than one that stuck!! We had 3 Grade As again, a B+, and another one he didn't mention the grade on so I'm guessing it wasn't great.

 So here I am!!  I'm 4w5d (I think) and we are due 9/4!

Looking forward to getting to know everyone!!!

Edited Subject as it was bugging me :)

Me: 41 DH: 37 - AMA, DOR
BFP 2.12.2012, c/p 2.17.2012
IUIs 1-3 = BFFN :(
IVF #1 - Sept 2012 = BFFN :(
IVF #2 - Dec 2012 = BFP!! EDD 9/4/2013
Beta #1 = 107, Beta #2 = 4,650!! U/S 1/15/2013
Everyone welcome!
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