
Any help for this FTM?

Hi. These are two dumb questions but I'd appreciate advice from you!
1. I'm bf/EPing triplets. I need all the milk I can get. Three months in, only one feed is formula due to lack of supply. I know I need to pump as often as possible to keep it up 3 hours is my goal but life with triplets sometimes pushes that goal back to 4. Last night, by the grace of god, my girls slept for almost 6 hours!!! My boobs were so engorged this morning it wasn't funny. So here's the questionif I go a six hour stretch like that once in a blue moon is it bound to effect my supply? I woke up in such a panic. I know for reading on here that's how you decrease supply if you have an oversupply but that is not the case for me.
2. When my BF girl burped and spit up a bit after feeding there were pieces of what looked like solid material. Is it fat? Is it bad? And is it my fault for weighting six hours before feeding/pumping?

Thanks ladieshappy new year to you!

Lol. I said "weighting" instead of waiting. I can't even use sleep deprivation as an excuseI got 6 hours!
4/13/12--1st u/s. IDENTICAL TRIPLETS (?!?) PAIF and SAIF welcome Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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