
Help with weaning to WCM please

My DD is 11 months 1 week old and I have been giving her 1 oz WCM along with 4 oz BM for each bottle (4 bottles a day, so 20 oz a day total (16 oz BM)) for a week now. She tolerates it fine. My issue is that I have never been one to have much of a ?stash? in fact, I only have 5 oz left in the freezer and I am freaked out. I am still pumping 4 times a day, but am producing less and less milk every day. How does this weaning thing work exactly? When can I add more WCM?

My BFing goal was 6 months and now a year.  My supply majorly tanked about 6 weeks ago when DD self weaned and I have been EPing since then. I am stressing over output like never before. TIA!

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