
Exercise/SportsBra ?


I really havent done any type of exercise since the baby was born.  Ive been saying that I want to spend as much time as I can with LO so thats why I havent.  Well its now 71/2 months later and ive decided that Im a Porker. 

Starting on the 1st we are doing a weight loss challenge in my group at work, sudo Biggest Loser.  This morning I stood on the scales so I could assess the situation before my office does.  Well its not good. 

So Ive been walking for the past couple of days but I want to start running, running Kelly style tha is.  Previouly Ive done 2 half marathons, so m not going to start going hard crazy or anything.

 Anyway...long intro to question I know....What sports bra do you find is best/works well for nursing boobs without hurting the goods?..Is that even a real thing or not?

Thanks for reading


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