

So we got through Christmas and it looked like things were finally turning around.  I'm finally pumping enough for LO, we stayed in budget for gifts (which is a first), and LO is tolerating new meds.  YAYAYAY!!!! 

The other shoe... 

Last night LO was pretty much rejecting the BM after a few pulls.  It wasn't until after we finally got her to drink it and was setting up the next bottle, that we realized the refrigerator might be going bad.  ALL THAT BM GONE!!  (The last jug of milk soured before the expiration date.  We didn't think much of it at the time... Sometimes that happens.  But MH got a new jug a couple of days ago and it's already bad.)  Poor baby has been gassy and fussy and we couldn't figure out why.  Now we might have an explaination.  

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