
Cluster feeding? Or comfort nursing?

My son is just shy of 10 weeks old and has always been a great nurser. We were having some gas/coughing/throw up issues I thought might be reflux, but after discussing with an LC found out I was overproducing. I started nursing one side per session instead of both and it seems to have evened things out DS is doing great now.

However in the last few days, he has been nursing around the clock. I can't always tell when he is eating and when he's just using me as a pacifier, but it seems like a lot of time he just needs a nipple in his mouth. When I can tell he's not eating and often asleep I try to replace me with a paci which he normally takes just fine but he won't have anything to do with it. This afternoon he slept for about three hours on my lap, nursing on and off in his sleep the ENTIRE time.

If this is cluster feeding and a growth spurt, that's fine, although he hasn't nursed this much since he was born. I go back to work on Wednesday and am petrified that he won't be able to calm himself or sleep without the boob around! Any advice or thoughts?
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