Pregnant after IF

A cautious hello...

I have first u/s on January 16th.  It seems so far away.  RIght now I'm more anxious about waiting for the u/s than the 2ww!  Anyhow, hopefully we will see a strong heartbeat and that the baby is measuring on track.  And hopefully I'll be joining you all soon!  In the meantime I will be lurking here while still hanging out in IF and 2IF.
2nd ectopic resulted in loss of tube. HSG revealed remaining tube is "severely torqued".
IVF #1: ER 03/29/10; ET 04/01/10: transferred 2 embies; Beta #1 (9dp3dt)- 45; Beta #2 (11dp3dt)- 91= BFP
FET#1: ET 04/18/12: transferred 4 embies; Beta #1: >2 = BFN
IVF #2: ER 06/20/12; ET 6/25/12: transferred 2 embies; Beta #1 on 7/5/12= BFN
8/16: hysteroscopy for polyp removal
11/11: hysteroscopy #2 for yet another polyp removal
FET#2: ET 12/15/12: transferred 3 embies; Beta #1 (9dp5dt): 12/24/12: 426; Beta #2 (11dp5dt): 845= BFP
u/s 1/9= triplets!; miscarried all three on 1/10/13


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