3rd Trimester

6 week rule??

I keep reading about this '6 week rule' - not letting a bunch of people see the baby or taking the baby out for 6 weeks. I'm guessing this is mostly because of germs, people carrying cold bugs and whatnot because it's winter. I feel like I'm doing a pretty good job of making sure the people who are going to be around LO have had a flu shot and the tdap, but where does it end? Do I tell his Aunts who'll come over once for a few hours that they need to be vaccinated? I'm especially worried about his family - he has a lot of family that live close and I really don't want a revolving door of people. I don't want to be the crazy germ lady - where do we draw the line? Are kids acceptable? How old is the cutoff? I know it's kind of one of those things that people say 'just do what makes you comfortable' but I'm a FTM and I don't see this as black and white really. How are you guys handling this?
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