Pregnant after IF

Intro :)

After I our first IVF cycle we reached our first pregnancy ultrasound today.
I was amazing to see the heartbeat! The baby measured 6w5d with a due date of August 16th. I am obviously excited but still pretty nervous. Looking forward to learning alot from you ladies.

BabyFruit Ticker 12/17/2012: Beta#2: 5,416! 12/10/2012: BFP! Beta#1: 415 11/21/2012: ER 12R/8F 11/26/12:ET 2 beautiful embies transferred 10/28/2012: begin IVF w/ICSI (lupron & follistim protocol) 07/2012: DH unsuccessful vas repair/ sperm harvested 03/2012: DH vas blockage discovered 01/2012: S/A came back zero 01/2009: TTC on own 12/6/08: Married Me:31 DH:36 -azoospermia
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