Pregnant after IF

Update to the itchys.....

So at my last apt I showed the doctor how much this awesome rash had spread in just a day in a half and she was able to prescribe me a cream for it....  How ever the cream does less than the hydrocortisone and Aveno does... :/

Test results for cholestais doesnt come back until next week (thought 2 days was fast but w/e).. but Dr is leaning more towards it being puppps anyway...  Said can get worse or better after delivery...  Good god I can't deal with this for another 2 weeks..  

Praying that Lil Brayden decides to show up early...  Vent over..  


*To those who read before I computer edited.. sorry for the utter phone fail this AM... haha New phone and the key board hates me!! plus it was 430am... 

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