
Need some advice (Long)

My LO was born at 33w1d and spent 22 days in the NICU. He's been home for a week and is doing fabulous at 1 month (37w3d adjusted). He does great when I put him to breast 1-2 times a day. For example, this afternoon he nursed for 20 minutes on my left side and this evening he nursed for 20 minutes on the right and 10 minutes on the left. We are still supplementing with a bottle and I'm still pumping after each nursing session (as I was told to do by the LC in the NICU). But now I'm trying to figure out how to transition from EP to EBF and have a few questions.

1.) How do I know if he's getting enough when he's nursing? Currently we are supplementing/pumping after each nursing session. He's still drinking all that he would have even if he hadn't nursed (currently he gets 65 cc's from the bottle). Also, when I pump after nursing I often get MORE than I would if I hadn't nursed. The LC said this is not uncommon but it makes it very difficult to know what he's getting. 

2.) At what point do I stop supplementing/pumping? (See above.) I don't want to starve him or make my supply go down but I also don't want to overfeed him or have to deal with oversupply (more than I already am...I already get 1-2 oz more than he eats each time I pump).

3.) Any other preemie moms who have made the switch that can offer advice? How did you move from EP to EBF? I'm planning to try to switch slowly over the next few days/week by adding in a nursing session each day and taking out a supplemental feeding/pumping each day but I have no idea if that will work... Any advice for how to make the switch would be appreciated.

I left a message with the NICU LC at the end of last week but with the holidays, I doubt I'll hear from her before the middle of next week. I'd really like to have made the switch (or be really working to make the switch) before then as LO has a pedi appointment next Wednesday and I want to make sure he's still gaining weight appropriately...

TIA for your advice. Let me know if I'm leaving out any information that would be helpful.


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