
When did BFing get easier for you?

I think LO is at the end of her 3 week growth spurt, which I'm super thankful for.  During my pregnancy I lurked on this board a lot and also read most of "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding," so I knew I was in for exhaustion, difficulty, etc. before she was born.  

I keep telling myself to just get through today and not worry about the next few weeks, and DH is super supportive.  Also, I'm way too stubborn to let BFing get the best of me - regardless of how tired I am.

I'm wondering when BFing got easier for all of you who have LO's past the newborn stage.  I slept for a total of 3.5 to 4 hours last night (all in increments of < 1.5 hours), partially because LO wants to eat, but also because she doesn't seem to fall asleep after nursing like she does during the day.  

When it gets "easier," do they tend to work their way out of the days/nights confusion?  We're doing our best to wake her to feed every 1.5 to 2 hours during the day (hoping to keep her longer "naps" for night time), keeping it noisy, bright, etc... and then keeping it quiet, dark, etc at night -- but she doesn't seem to care.  We've also been incorporating a short bedtime routine, but I know that may take awhile before she starts to respond to it.

I do understand that she's only 3 weeks old, I'm just hoping there's a light at the end of this newborn tunnel!  Thanks ladies :) 

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