
Falling asleep while nursing and another question

Me. Not the baby. I literally start to pass out into dream land when we start feeding. I'll be mid conversation with my husband and my head will roll back and I'm out. Its getting better. She's 5 days old.

My next question. I feed her every 2 hours or so. Many times I have to wake her up to eat. She will latch on at night and suck for 5 min and we will both fall asleep. She will keep my nipple in her mouth and just chill there. She will unlatch and lay her head on my chest and 10 min later she's whimpering because she's hungry.

During the day its no problem. Today I fed her at 8:45 and then got to my parents around 10. I fed her again at 10:30 and THEN I felt so full after she nursed for 30 minutes so I pumped both sides. I got 5 ounces.

I am a FTM. I think its good I'm getting THAT much after nursing but on the other hand I'm worried about an oversupply.

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