
Opinions please!

I had my baby on the 13th. I had supply issues with my first and found out I have IGT. This time, my supply seems ok, but I've been pumping since day one to get it up as much as possible. My daughter is 10 days old today and last night / today she never seems satisfied after nursing. She keeps falling asleep at the breast been doing that from the beginning and when I take her off she cries so I put her back on or switch sides. She'll only suck for a few min, then get sleepy again and I'm constantly trying to wake her, tickle her feet, rub her ears, head, etc. to keep her sucking. She also had a tongue tie that we had fixed at 6 days old. Sometimes after feeding I can only pump 1/2 oz, sometimes I can pump 1 oz or more. If I'm replacing a feeding, I can usually get 2 oz. my question after all that rambling is: it seems as tho I'm making enough, but is she not transferring well? She has lots of wet diapers but only poops once a day and skipped a couple days once at 5 days old. My LC said that can be normal and as long as she's having wet diapers she's ok. She seems so frustrated after the first few mins since yesterday, I'm wondering if my supply is not enough. I end up nursing for as long as I can get her to without getting too frustrated and then giving her a bottle of pumped BM to satisfy her. It's so hard to know if she's getting enough! Sorry this is so all over the place, I'm exhausted and overwhelmed!
BabyFetus Ticker
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