Pregnant after IF

It's a girl baby :)

Everything looked good at our u/s today, and now I can go make tiny dresses and tutus willy-nilly! :) I heart making little girl clothes, and everyone in my family kept having boys. Little boy clothes are not nearly as much fun to make. DH is also thrilled...he was somewhat hoping it would be a girl. I don't know what I was hoping for, but I am very thrilled about making dresses (and getting pee in my face less often.) I think I am excited just to know. :)

She also had the was very cute.  

4 IUIs: Bfn
Antagonist IVF 7 retrieved, 4 fert w/ICSI&AH, 2 blasts transferred. Beta #1 9/20: 367 Beta #2 9/22: 841
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