
No MOTN feed and pumping!

Hi ladies!  My LO is 8 weeks old and for the past two nights she has slept in longer stretches and not woken up to eat around 2 to 4 am like she has in the past.  She has slept from 11 p.m./midnight to 6 or 7 a.m.  Right after she has eaten in the morning I have pumped and gotten about 4 ounces total.  Do I need to wake up in the middle of the night and pump?  If I just let my body adjust to one less feeding will my milk supply drop?  She is still nursing a ton during the day but I go back to work at the end of January so I am concerned about supply and pumping when that time comes.  Thoughts?  Do I need to wake myself up and pump?  Also, I know the 2 nights of long sleep could be a fluke and she could be back to the middle of the night feed at any point but I just want to collect the information now.  TIA!!!!


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