
Acne like a teenager!! Grr..

I am determined to EBF/pump for 12 months with DD#2 (almost 4 months old), like I did for DD#1, but just these past few weeks my face has been breaking out like C-R-A-Z-Y! Although I know it's well worth it for my daughter, it makes me sad when I look in the mirror.  Fortunately (!?), it is tiny rash-like breakouts, not large, deep cysts, but my forehead seriously looks like I'm 14.  No problems at all during pregnancy...but while breastfeeding, my hormones are horrible. Just got some over-the-counter stuff last night (that is safe for bf)...hoping for some results soon.  Not a lot my derm. can do while I am still bf'ing.

 Anyone else in this boat?  what's worked for you?!

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