Pregnant after IF

SCARY&LONG: Birth Story and PIP

Well, I Got home at 12 today.  Went to Dr appt on Thursday and they told me I didn't have cholestasis.  5 hours later, I got a call from hospital saying I DID have cholestasis and asked when I ate last.  They told me to come into triage.  So, I waited til DH got home from work while I showered and had family head to hospital and met them there.  I was supposed to get c/s at 10pm.  Something had happened and they made me wait about 1130 to go back but starting at about 10, I entered into active labor.  Paxton had plans on coming that day whether I liked it or not.  

So, about 1130, they take me into OR.  Before going in, MIL told me that having a daughter giving birth is much better and special than a son having a baby....  Anyways, I go in OR at 1130 and it took them 1/2 hr to get spinal block to work and said they couldn't get it cause I am too small.  A dr ended up doing it cause anesthesiologist couldn't.  Tada!  Paxton comes, then all hell broke loose.  My blood pressure nosedived and they had to give me some shot because they couldn't stop me from bleeding.  They rushed MH out of OR and then from there on out, my spinal block QUIT working and I felt everything.  I felt myself being sewn up and everything being pushed around.  It was pure hell.  I went into shock, again, and I don't remember anything after that.  Oh, I do remember puking up orange stuff..  

 Next thing I know, I'm in L&D puking green stuff and I don't remember going into the room or how Paxton got in the room or anyone's reaction to him.  I couldn't feed him or hold him.  This makes me very sad.  I have been dreading posting my birth story cause it's such a traumatic experience.   

Anyways, Paxton is very healthy!  He weighted 7lbs even and was born at 12:13 am on 12/14 -19 3/4".  He is so beautiful and I'm so in love and so in DH. He's such a great baby.  He cries so soft, like he is losing his voice.  It's so cute but it's so pitiful.  And he only cries when he's naked or when he goes to the bathroom cause his lil wee wee hurts from the circumcision.  The nurse said he was her favorite patient ever and she called him Sir Paxton.  That's even how he's addressed on the discharge papers :) 





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