Natural Birth

Does my midwife have an agenda? - Sweep and Stretch

I'm 40 weeks 4 days now.  At my last appointment (Wednesday of last week at 39 weeks 6 days) my midwife offered to do a sweep and stretch.  I said I'd rather wait it out a little longer.  She said I could give her a call on Monday (today) if I wanted and if she had time she could do it then.  If nothing was happening, she would do it at my next regular appointment (Wednesday of this week) and again at my first NST on Friday. 

I decided I wouldn't call today and just wait until Wednesday when I was almost a week overdue.  Well, the office called today and said my midwife wanted to see me this afternoon, I assume because she wants to sweep me.  

I'm wondering if this is a common experience or if my midwife might have someone else ovedue as well or something and is trying to get me into labour. 

Just wondering when the typical time was to offer to strip the membranes.   

Thanks Ladies!

Married August 5th, 2006 Baby Girl Born February 15, 2012 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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