3rd Trimester

Can you "deny" a c-section?

I had posted several weeks ago about fetal and uterus measurements measuring anywhere between 2 1/2 - 3 weeks ahead. I had a 3d/4d u/s with fetal measurements at 30 weeks, and then again today at 32 weeks. He is consistently growing larger (as all fetuses generally do!) and while they have NOT mentioned talk of a possible c-section or early induction, I'd like to be prepared. I have another ultrasound scheduled at 36 weeks, and I suspect that they'll bring up the topic then, otherwise, why do so many ultrasounds?

I am not okay with basing even the discussion of a possible c-section on u/s fetal measurements. This pregnancy has been crazy healthy thus far. (No GD, great BP, fantastic fetal heart tones, amniotic fluid, steady weight gain, etc) I have *knock on wood* literally had nothing to be concerned about. 

While I know I shouldn't worry about something that hasn't happened/been discussed yet, what would you do if they even brought up the possibility of a c-section or early induction? (By early, I mean nothing less than full term, of course... but I want him to be in there to grow his lungs and fat as long as possible!) 

ETA: I would absolutely agree to a c-section if either he or I, or both, were in distress in labor and it was a true emergency--- just to clarify. 

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