July 2012 Moms

Not eating enough?

My LO is 4 months today! He weighed in at 14 lbs. Pedi said he is right where he should be weight wise, but I'm concerned that he isn't eating enough during the day.

At 14 lbs, I figure he should be eating around 30-35 ounces a day...but as of now he is only eating about 25. He sleeps from 7:30 to anywhere from 1-3 and then back down for another 3-5 hours. I know he is waking at night because he isn't getting enough during the day. We try to feed him 6 ounces every time, but lately he eats 4 ounces then just chews on the bottle and doesn't seem interested in eating the rest.

Would you start cereal? Pedi said it's ok to do so if we want...and I know opinion varies on this. Any suggestions?

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