Pregnant after IF

Hesitant to intro, but here we go

I figured I would come on over and introduce myself, what do I have to lose, right? Here's a little bit about my story. My 1st DS was a lucky, successful #1 IUI-er. Everything went great.

Since trying for #2, I've had an early loss and what I believed to be my 2nd loss just a few days ago. I've had on and off red bleeding and went in for my 3rd beta and ultrasound today. Everything is looking great but I do have a bleed in my uterus. My dr said it's pretty common and that it will likely resolve itself. All signs say this is going to be ok, but I've already convinced myself twice that this wasn't a viable pregnancy, due to all of the bleeding.

So I've decided to think positively and say hello! Looking forward to getting to know you ladies! Smile

TTC#1 Since 9.09
Unexplained IF
IUI#1 + Clomid + Trigger= BFP!! EDD: 8/8/11
DS#1 Born 8/11/11
BFP #2 3/1/12 Ended in M/C on 3/17/12 @ 7w
11/12 IUI#1 + Clomid + Trigger= BFP, EDD: 8/18/13, Beta#1 (45), Beta #2 (265) Beta #3 (2545)
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