3rd Trimester

Super frustrated- what would you do?

I work at a university as an academic advisor. I work directly with two program directors, but in the end, the dean of the college is my boss. When I told him I was pregnant he threw out several different options once I was back from maternity leave: stay full-time, go down to part-time, or quit. I would LOVE to be a SAHM, but it's not in the cards right now; however, he said that a new guy they had hired who does my job but only part time was interested in going full-time and that we could switch; I'd work 3 days and he'd go up to 5. I had everything squared away since 20 weeks to go this route and my SIL was even game for watching LO the three days.

Today I went in to speak with the dean to make sure everything was okay and he said, "No. We can't do that anymore. We've decided to make him full-time regardless and we can't make your position part-time. You'll need to find a day care unless you want to quit."

So now I'm stuck at almost 30 weeks trying to find a day care which is really tricky. The few I've called so far have said they wouldn't be able to get LO in until several months after I returned to work... What would you do?

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