3rd Trimester

Pelvic floor/groin pain

I've been having an aching in between my legs since 6 weeks. Its a constant pain that I've just gotten used to. I feel it when walking, and doing stairs. Im now 32 weeks and occasionally will get a shooting pain that feels like a sharp stab into my vagina. A few nights ago the pain stetched to my abdomen and I collapsed on my way to the bathroom. That same week I was napping on the couch with my 2 yo and when I went to get up to turn the tv off I couldnt move my legs because of the pain in my groin so I had to get on all 4s and crawl to the entertainment center. My first was born via c section, and this next baby will be as well. I am an active and healthy pregnant woman and have only gained 13 lbs this entire pregnancy. I visit the gym and do light cardio multiple times per week. I seem to have more pain if i have a particularly inactive day. Can anyone relate? My dr said to use a belly support band and i tried and it didnt help. This seems different than just the typical aches pains of carrying extra weight.
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