
wean from pumping / transition to BF'ing

I've asked my LC these questions a few times, but maybe I'm not making myself clear because her answers don't really make sense to me. So I'm asking you ladies, and maybe I can form my questions better in writing anyways.

The situation: I have been almost EP'ing, but want to transition to almost EBF'ing. I pump every 3 hours for 15 minutes. To wean from pumping, the plan is to decrease each session by a few minutes gradually over the next couple of weeks. I am supposed to feed from one breast and pump the other, alternating every other time. Once I'm down to 3-5 minutes per session, I will start to completely drop pumping sessions one at a time. 

1. DS often refuses the left breast after attempts to latch with difficulty. If he takes the right a few times in a row, should I just keep decreasing the time on the left? When he does finally take the left side for a feeding and I pump the right, I'll be at a different time for that breast, correct? So each breast may be weaning from the pump at different rates? For example, I may be down to 6 minutes for the left side, but at 9 minutes for the right.

2. Obviously DS's feedings aren't going to coincide nicely with my pumping schedule of every 3 hours. If DS feeds from the right, for example, and I pump the left, but then DS wants to eat again soon after (like an hour later), I should put him back on the right breast, correct? 

3.  I want to keep a couple of pumping sessions. DH feeds DS before bedtime and before he leaves for work in the morning. So I should not try to decrease those pumping times, correct? I should keep those at 15 minutes, correct?

Hopefully that makes sense. TIA! 

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