3rd Trimester

Induce or not?

I read the other post about BP below, and maybe I can get some more opinions about my situation and whether you think it would compel you to agree with induction.  

The doctors got worried I had pre-e at 25 weeks because I had elevated protein.  That went down and the doctor said it was probably just a bladder infection.  I've had marginally high bp the whole pregnancy (although it was never high before that), which is usually about 130/84 in the office but more like 117/75 at home.  

They next said I had g.d., although the results were marginal and I probably wouldn't have been diagnosed in some practices.  Since then, I monitor my blood sugar at home and it is never even slightly elevated beyond what is average for a non g.d patient and I can't get it to elevate even if I drink soda and orange juice and eat white rice.  They say fine, but you're probably still just controlling it with diet and better to say you have g.d. than that you don't. The baby measures in the 74th percentile, my weight gain is slightly below average, and there is no other reason to suspect g.d.

The high risk OB wants to induce at 39 weeks, and says better that than to risk having a stillborn.  I certainly don't want to put my baby at risk, but I'm not convinced my blood pressure is high enough or my g.d. real enough to merit induction.  It seems they're over-careful, and although that's great when it means extra watchful monitoring, when those results aren't compelling, why not assume induction is not necessary?  On the flip side, is induction so bad?  It's my first pregnancy, so I don't know if it's worth a battle. 

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