
Thank you, DS! AWing

So I posted last week about trying to get back to breastfeeding full time. Well, I did some power pumping last week and was only able to get 6 ozs over two days. I was also offering the boob before every bottle of formula and my supply was not increasing at all. I was having serious doubts about being able to switch back.

Come Friday night DS decides that formula is for sissies and will only nurse. It was like his 6 week growth spurt all over again. He would nurse for 45 minutes then sleep for 45 minutes and this continued until last night. ( We have both been very tired. lol)

I just pumped my first session today and got 6 ozs in 30 minutes. That is the most I have ever pumped without missing the previous session. Way to go little man, way to go. Cool


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