
FTM, LO is 6 days old - random questions...

Hi ladies, I lurked on this board a lot during my pregnancy, and my baby girl arrived this past Sunday.  She has been a fantastic feeder right from the start, but I have a few questions for those of you with a bit of experience... 

1) Do any of you wear baby while feeding?  Any recommendations for slings that work well, especially in this newborn period?  Or do slings typically not work well until LO is a little bigger?  I have an Ergobaby and an infant insert, which I love, but I don't think it would work well for feeding purposes (and besides, it's a bit bulky for me to be wearing around the house).

2) How often do you burp your LO during a feeding session (or did you find that you needed to during the newborn phase and then not need to later on)?  She has a tendency to spit up a lot, and sometimes if I burp her after the first 10-15 minutes I *think* it helps... but she doesn't seem to give me any cues that she needs burping (no signs of being uncomfortable).  I'll be feeding her and all of a sudden she'll start spitting up while she's still latched on (yesterday it even came out of her nose!)

3) Related to the burping question above... how do you know if LO has reflux issues?  How do you know if you should try gas drops?

4) Even though she has a good latch, I have to force her into it half the time... is that normal?  She'll open her mouth nice and wide, and I quickly pull her onto the breast, but then she tries to pull her head back (which puts her back on the end of my nipple).  I've found that if I keep my hand behind her head for 5 or 10 seconds, and kind of force her to stay there, she'll eat just fine.  I just don't know why she keeps trying to pull backwards, and am wondering if there's something I could do differently to change it.

 Thanks in advance for any help!! 

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