Pregnant after IF

What a Day!

Yesterday was a crazy and hectic day, but it ended well. I had to leave work early because DH was taken by ambulance to the ER. When we were discharged and about to pull out of the hospital parking lot I saw my OB's office called. They had called to see if I could come in earlier rather than at my scheduled time and because of DH ER trip I was able to.

My appointment went well and she listened/answered all of my questions. I assumed that it was a doppler appointment only, but she did an ultrasound to check for heart beats because she said at this stage with twins it is sometimes difficult to find their location with a doppler. I wasn't going to complain! Smile Baby A was doing its usual bouncing around and you could see its little heart beating away. She looked at baby B first and said said she was having a hard time seeing its heart beat (she had a hard time at my first appointment as well with baby B), but could see it moving around so she wasn't concerned. Then she went to baby A and when she went back to baby B, baby B must have woken up because it really had started to move around and looked as if it were doing to the hula wiggling around or a fish swimming in the water.

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