1st Trimester

When should I start to show?

I'm a few days shy of 12 weeks (as per dating ultrsound, 13 weeks if you go by LMP). Anyhow, I'm a fairly thin person (wear a size 4 usually) but the past few weeks I have been VERY bloated to the point that it looks like "I'm showing". The last week or so most of my symptoms have decreased a bit, as expected around this time - one being the bloat! This is great! But I'm just wondering when will the bump pop out? I thought that it would be soon because I'm usually pretty flat in the tummy but I am wearing all my regular pants and when I have told people I am pregnant they immediatly look at my belly- and don't see one!  Mind you, today I have to undo the top button, lol.  I think I read for your first baby it will be later, like 16-18 weeks? (p.s. the doc said I have a retroverted uterus too, so I think it tips backward a bit)  Thoughts?


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