1st Trimester

Pregnancy Denial?!

Hi everyone, I'm new on this site. 24 yrs old, husband is 28 yrs old. Newlywed (dated four years; married since June). First time being pregnant (unplanned) - it was a total shocker for us both. LMP was ~10/17/12 so that should put me @ 7 weeks along. First dr appt. is this Friday. I feel as if I'm in a bit of "Pregnancy Denial." I have literally lost count of how many HPTs I've used, but we're talking double digits. All have been positive. And still, I sit here and just can't believe that I'm pregnant! I'm having what I think is "very minimal symptoms" : very tender breasts, mild cramping (has now subsided), extreme moodiness and exhaustion. The absence of sickness has made me feel as if I just cannot be pregnant. Have I just lost my mind? I know I probably have, but for whatever reason I'm just stuck in this haze of disbelief that I seem to think can only be cured by having a doctor look me in the face and say "Yes, crazy woman, you ARE pregnant!" Has anyone else experienced this?! I'm definitely searching for a little reassurance this evening.
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