Pregnant after IF

Repost from SAIF: isthmocele (c-section scarring)?

Had an RE appt today to check uterine lining for upcoming FET. He noticed in the u/s today that I have an isthmocele--or a pouch in my uterus as a result of my c-section from DS. He said that there is new evidence that this isthmocele could be a cause of secondary infertility and that a study has shown many women who have a simple procedure to correct this isthmocele spotaneously conceive naturally within a year or two. My RE said he just performed this on a patient and that patient conceived naturally after having trying unsuccessfully for 2 years.

My question is, has anyone had this procedure done before, and if so had success with conceiving afterwards? This will be our last attempt at IVF. The procedure wouldn't be so that we could try to conceive naturally (I've been advised not to conceive naturally due to my high risk of ectopic pregnancies). The procedure would be to help increase chances of embryo implantation for IVF/FET. TIA.

2nd ectopic resulted in loss of tube. HSG revealed remaining tube is "severely torqued".
IVF #1: ER 03/29/10; ET 04/01/10: transferred 2 embies; Beta #1 (9dp3dt)- 45; Beta #2 (11dp3dt)- 91= BFP
FET#1: ET 04/18/12: transferred 4 embies; Beta #1: >2 = BFN
IVF #2: ER 06/20/12; ET 6/25/12: transferred 2 embies; Beta #1 on 7/5/12= BFN
8/16: hysteroscopy for polyp removal
11/11: hysteroscopy #2 for yet another polyp removal
FET#2: ET 12/15/12: transferred 3 embies; Beta #1 (9dp5dt): 12/24/12: 426; Beta #2 (11dp5dt): 845= BFP
u/s 1/9= triplets!; miscarried all three on 1/10/13


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