
...Because you ladies are so smart...

Just some random questions I've been wondering for a while now. Mind you, I've yet to try to look anything up myself.

I've read on this board a few times that it is "perfectly normal" for a BF baby to go days without pooping. Why is that? And is this something that comes with baby's age or it may never happen? Is this just a simple "baby's body needed all of those nutrients and there was none left to expel" answer?

Second. What is the reasoning behind the "seeds" in BF baby's poops? I don't even pretend to understand that one...

Ok last one. When combining two containers of pumped milk but the milk has already separated, do you just do your best to swirl it to try to get the fatty bits that are stuck to the sides of the container or what? I mean is it the fatty foremilk that gets stuck on the sides? And in turn, the most precious and worst to waste by letting it be washed away when cleaning the container or am I way over thinking this and being too stingy with the milk? :P

Thanks y'all. FTM here and these are just the things that I find myself wasting my day thinking about now. Well and food....
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