1st Trimester

Pregnant after M/C?

Hey ladies...  I'm not preggers, but I just experienced an early miscarriage/chemical pregnancy (I was 5 weeks) a few weeks ago, and was curious if any of you could tell me about your experiences getting pregnant after a m/c?  My DR says it is best to be patient and wait 3 cycles before we start trying again, but I have heard of people having very healthy pregnancies getting pregnant very soon after a m/c??  I am so torn right now because DH and I have already gotten back into BD'ing and we are more excited than ever to be pregnant again...but at the same time, I don't want to go against my DR's orders??

 Any thoughts/experiences?

BFP #1 on 11/13/12 -- EDD 7/24/13 -- M/C (CP) on 11/21/12
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