Pregnant after IF

This is getting... real?

Maybe it's the fact that so many of my board "buddies" -- people I've been riding through this journey with -- are having their beautiful babies of late.

Maybe the fact that I swear I felt and watched baby B move down and rotate last night... that's some Exorcist s#)&$ right there...

But wowzers, am I starting to realize the EDD is rapidly approaching.  Have awoken nearly every night this week (including now) between 2:30 - 4.  And tonight, I had a doozy of a dream - went into labor, bag not packed for hospital, etc., etc.

Are others experiencing this "ohmygoshit'sgettingcloseandIhavemixedfeelingsaboutthisashappyasIam" vibe? 



38. DH 40. TTC since 2005.
Earlier m/c. DX (finally) 10/10: abnormal acrosome.
ICSI #1 3dt 11/20/11 HPT BFP 11/30 Our beautiful daughters were born July 28, 2012.

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