1st Trimester

What does he mean??? Help :(

I just had my first ultrasound at 5 weeks 4 days. I have had pains and spotting and was on bed rest for the weekend. The bleeding has stopped now.. Turns out I had a corpus luteal cyst and they think it burst and that's where the pain/bleeding came from.

In my ultrasound we saw the sac and the little yolk sac but no heartbeat yet (which I thought was normal since it is SO early). I met with my Dr after the u/s and he was explaining the results. He then stated he wanted me to come in for a repeat ultrasound in a week, and ended the appt by saying "If there is no sign of heartbeat by next week we need to talk about miscarriage"

Why would he say this??? I am now freaking out. By my next appt I will be 6 weeks 4 days and yes I hope to see a heartbeat but if I don't that means miscarriage? I am so confused, upset, and now need to wait a long agonizing week. I dont understand. Anyone have experiences like this? When did you see your baby's heart beat? Makes me feel like he isn't telling me something- or he is just trying to cover his ass. I am thinking about calling the office tomorrow and having this explained to me again...

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