1st Trimester

Making sense of it?

Hello! I am new to this, its my first pregnancy I am 32 yrs old. We tried for 11 months so this is fantastic. I have some questions and not sure if I am asking the right ones or not. I jump the gun a bit sometimes so hang in there with me :). the first day of my last period was oct. 25th. I found out i was pregnant on nov 26th. I was feeling very crampy so on the 26th I called my Ob to see if this was normal. She wanted me to get blood work to check hCG levels which was 500? She wanted me to come in the next day for an sonogram/ultrasound. It was to early she didn't see anything. 2 days after I had blood work she had me do it again. hCG was 1500?  and she had me come back in today Dec. 3 for another sonogram/ultrasound she saw the sac but that was it and it was still to early. She said I was 4 weeks along. Now she wants me back for another ultrasound/sonogram in 2 weeks! I read up and found cramping is normal and am not having any more so I don't know why we are still having to do ultrasound/sonogram. OB says she is just making sure its a normal pregnancy and coming along ok. Does anyone else think this is too early for all this? Also wondering about hCG levels for this early. Seem High?
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