
Has anyone successfully had three nurslings?

I am currently nursing my 31 month old (though not much now with mobility and a love for water) as well as my 16 month old (who definitely relies on breastmilk and nursing for nourishment and comfort), currently 8 weeks with #3 and definitely going to breastfeed them too. I am hoping to maintain a healthy nursing relationship with both of my toddlers come new baby in July, but primarily long to keep my youngest nursing as she won't even be 2 yet by the time July rolls around. 


Have any of you successfully had three nurslings at once? Especially two older nurslings with a newborn.


I feel as though twins would be harder  then one newborn and a few toddlers but I would love to hear your input and experiences :) though I am probably alone in desiring three nurslings! Lol

family of four and counting! unassisted birthing, placenta eating, vax free, intact bodied, organic, toxin free, diaper free, baby wearing, bed sharing, extended breastfeeding, PURE LOVE! BabyFetus Ticker
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