

DS started biting this weekend. He's 6.5 months and has 6 teeth (has had the bottom 2 for 2 months and got the top 4 in the past 3 weeks).  When he bites, I say 'No that hurts mommy, no biting'.  He smiles back and starts giggling.  He thinks its a joke/funny.  He bit me so hard last night that I let out a loud yelp.  He didn't cry or get startled...again, he giggled (so damn cute too that it's hard to be upset!)  I try to relax as I'm tense just waiting for it to happen again. 

Anywho, last night (evening) we got in some good nursing sessions as I put down the iPad, shut off the tv and focused on him.  He woke at 1:30am for his normal night session which went well.  Then at 4:30 for his next session, he wouldn't eat and just cried and cried. DH and I thought it was teething.  We tried a bottle, but he didn't want it so again we thought teething. So both DH and I tried rocking him and he just wanted to play so we played (I'm a tired mommy today).  Again this morning, I tried nursing him before work at his normal feeding time (8am) and nothing. He actually starts crying when I offer him the boob.  I pumped (my normal pumping time while I blow dry my hair) and offerred him the bottle and he sucked it down and wanted more (poor guy was starving).

So what can I do about the biting?   (I'll focus on him more during feedings, wait til he's ready to eat to nurse....)

Is this a strike since he's turned me down twice?  I'm hoping this evening when I pick him up he'll nurse. 

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