1st Trimester

Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!!

Well, I go tomorrow for my next OB visit...When I went on 11/16, the ultrasound tech was leaning towards an ectopic pregnancy but my numbers then were doubling, last Monday they were 21,049.  I am so anxious for tomorrow to get here so I can see my little peanut on ultrasound hopefully.  Im still having twinges of pain occasionally in that area but nothing too bad. The doctor at that time said I was 6 weeks 3 days but nothing showed up in the uterus at the time, just the right ovarian area..So I guess maybe I was earlier than originally thought..I don't keep track of ovulation or my cycle but tomorrow should tell all...They should be able to give me a due date after my ultrasound, correct? If I remember right, they measure crown to rump length for an estimated age?
Cheryl (25) Andy (24) Newlyweds as of 8-17-12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker pregnancy week by week
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