1st Trimester

well hello there (loss mentioned)

Hi first tri! 

I got my BFP at 10 dpo and 12 dpo (I couldn't help it, I love seeing those lines)!  This will be baby #2 for us.  DS is 15 months, and EDD is 8/11. (2 under 2- I love it and I am happily scared at the same time:)).

I am very cautious because my first pregnancy ended at 6 weeks, after I had already told everyone I knew (and some people I don't know) that I was KU. My second pregnancy with DS was amazing, but I waited until the 18 week u/s to really tell people! 

I wanted to say "Hi" and start contributing to this board... so HI! H&H 9 to all of you!  

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