1st Trimester

Sudden lack of symptoms??

I am freaking out, worried about miscarrying. I've been really really sick the last few days (the minor sinus infection is now an ear/full blown upper respitory infection) so i hadn't really noticed but my pregnancy syptoms are decreasing...hardly naseous, boobs only mildly sore (compared to how they were), not cramping like i was, i'm still tired a lot and have headaches but i'm sick so that could be a big part. And i though that maybe since i've been so sick i haven't noticed things like i had been...but i'm not sure.

My first prenatal app is tuesday, and i'm scared to death, espcially since my "complications" and scare on thanksgiving and since the doc had me taking a sudiphedrine...mucinex D which is harmful during the first trimester.

Is there any other reasons why the pregnancy symptoms would decrease?

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