1st Trimester

Wondfo... faint line.... cautiously optimistic!

So, I just tested tonight for the heck of it. DH and I BD'd the Nov. 23. The first test was a FAINT + right at the 5 min mark... I drank more water and took another test an hour later with no mark and then another an hour later with no mark... I know the second two times my urine was very diluted with the extra water...

I will know in the morning with the fmu if it is really a + or a fluke. I even looked up recall wondfo's but my batch number didn't come up...

 You can tell from my siggy that we've had a difficult time keeping our precious babies... praying that if this is really a + that we will get to meet and keep this bundle of joy!

BFP #1- m/c at 9 wks BFP #2- m/c at 6 wks BFP #3- DS :) SUCCESS! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BFP #4- M/C at 9 wks BFP #5- M/C at 4 weeks- chemical pregnancy BFP #6- stopped growing at 6wks 1day
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