
Do I have low supply?

My LO has been a slow weight gainer since his one month check-up. He was born at 9lbs, dropped to 8lbs, 1oz, and as of two weeks ago he weighed 11lbs, 12oz. I saw an LC after his two month check-up, when the weight question initially surfaced. She did a weighed feed and he took in about 2.75oz. He's EBF and I nurse him 8-9 times a day. When I pump at work (roughly every 3 hours, about when he would normally eat) I pump between 3 and 3.5 ounces between both breasts.

My LC diagnosed LO with a weak suck and poor milk transfer. She said I most likely have a low supply because he's not able to properly empty the boob, which then tells my body to make less milk. But he's still getting almost 3oz when he nurses, and I pump 3 ounces or more. She sent me to a LC/pediatrician for a more in-depth look.

The pedi I saw gave me a similar diagnosis, but seemed less concerned about his weight gain than my LC. She suggested trying solids mixed with expressed milk to help beef him up. She also recommended fenugreek and more milk plus.

The next time I saw my LC I told her what the pedi said, and she told me I had an abundant supply and shouldn't take fenugreek or anything for fear of creating an oversupply.

I guess I'm just confused. I've had a bunch of issues with this LC (besides the obvious contradictory advice above) but that aside, how can I figure out if I actually have low supply?

Some of the things that seem to indicate low supply are:

--Fussiness at the boob

--Slow weight gain

--Transferred less than 3oz at the weighed feeding 

But then there's the facts that:

--I pump 10-12oz in 3 sessions at work

--He's meeting all his development milestones, he's happy/seems content, nails & hair are growing, and he's grown 6 inches since birth

--He has 6+ super wet cloth diapers a day and daily poo 

So do I have low supply? Low-ish supply? Or just a stubborn baby who'll grow when he wants to?

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